Admin Guide
Last modified by Manuel Leduc on 2024/12/30 15:33
Configuration format
This section describes the configuration format of the backends. This is usually stored in a config.json file, but we plan to make it possible for users to edit their configuration directly in the user interface.
General structure
The configuration is an object of key and values, for instance:
"XWiki": {},
"XWikiOffline": {},
"XWikiSL": {},
"Nextcloud": {}
"XWiki": {},
"XWikiOffline": {},
"XWikiSL": {},
"Nextcloud": {}
See below for the detail of each sub-object.
Shared keys
- configType: the type of the backend. Accepted values: XWiki, Nextcloud, FileSystem, GitHub.
- serverRendering:
- offline: when true, each page is cached locally and is refresh in the background if the backend is accessible. This is useful to browse already visited pages when offline.
- baseURL: the base url to access the backend
- baseRestURL: a segment concatenated to baseURL to access the backend rest endpoint
- homePage: the page reference of the main page of the backend
- designSystem: the identifier of the design system to use. Accepted values: vuetify, and shoelace.
- realtimeURL: (optional) the URL of a real-time server. When this value is undefined, autosave is activated. When the value is defined, the editor connects to a real-time session on the provided server.
The sections below presents examples configurations for each supported backend.
"XWiki": {
"name": "XWiki",
"configType": "XWiki",
"serverRendering": false,
"offline": false,
"baseURL": "http://localhost:8080/xwiki",
"baseRestURL": "/rest/cristal/page?media=json",
"homePage": "Main.WebHome",
"designSystem": "vuetify"
"XWiki": {
"name": "XWiki",
"configType": "XWiki",
"serverRendering": false,
"offline": false,
"baseURL": "http://localhost:8080/xwiki",
"baseRestURL": "/rest/cristal/page?media=json",
"homePage": "Main.WebHome",
"designSystem": "vuetify"
"Nextcloud": {
"name": "Nextcloud",
"configType": "Nextcloud",
"serverRendering": false,
"offline": false,
"baseURL": "http://localhost:9292/",
"baseRestURL": "http://localhost:9292/remote.php/dav/files",
"designSystem": "shoelace",
"homePage": "home"
"Nextcloud": {
"name": "Nextcloud",
"configType": "Nextcloud",
"serverRendering": false,
"offline": false,
"baseURL": "http://localhost:9292/",
"baseRestURL": "http://localhost:9292/remote.php/dav/files",
"designSystem": "shoelace",
"homePage": "home"
"FileSystem": {
"name": "FileSystem",
"configType": "FileSystem",
"serverRendering": false,
"offline": false,
"designSystem": "shoelace"
"FileSystem": {
"name": "FileSystem",
"configType": "FileSystem",
"serverRendering": false,
"offline": false,
"designSystem": "shoelace"
Unsupported backends
"GitHub": {
"name": "GitHub",
"configType": "GitHub",
"serverRendering": false,
"offline": false,
"baseURL": "",
"baseRestURL": "",
"homePage": "",
"designSystem": "vuetify"
"GitHub": {
"name": "GitHub",
"configType": "GitHub",
"serverRendering": false,
"offline": false,
"baseURL": "",
"baseRestURL": "",
"homePage": "",
"designSystem": "vuetify"
Currently, Cristal supports a single real-time server based on hocuspocus.
An example can be found at